Saturday, January 11, 2020

Top LPs of 2019

Last year was quite the year for music, though for the most part I only paid much attention to hardcore. I had many intentions of staying up with this blog but lost myself in other things beyond just the hours required for my college coursework. Tangible pieces of art, including un-commissioned flyers and a t-shirt design and two issues of two different zines I started this year. The zines took up a majority of the time I would have used to work on the blog, but beyond that I just lived more. Reflection is a constant in the way my mind works but I had more things happening around me that kept me in the now.

The next few posts are the top LPs, EPs, singles and demos of the year in my humble opinion (meaning these are unquestionable facts). Instead of just limiting myself to a particular amount of releases I am going to single out a few. The list is in alphabetical order but a top release will be highlighted and others will be singled out. I begin with a list of the top LPs of 2019.

Top LPs

The Berries – Berryland (Run For Cover Records)

Bracket - Too Old To Die Young (Fat Wreck Chords)

Ceremony might have put out some records I didn’t click with at the time (post Violence Violence) but ever since the L Shape Man they are back in position of being one of my favorite bands.

Deflect – Mass Delusion (Eighty-Sixed Records)

Fury - Failed Entertainment (Run For Cover Records)

Some of my favorite songs in years are on this record.

Gazm – Heavy Vibe Music (11 PM Records)

This record came out of left field and kept my attention longer than many other records I loved this year.

Krust – Sex Noises (Self Released)

They could have split up the songs different and had this be a split LP of two different bands. I love the way they did this though, not every song has to sound exactly the same and you can take fucking risks and still be a great hardcore band. I would love to see Krust live.

The best hardcore LP of the year and if Mindforce hadn’t put out Excalibur it might be the top 12” of the last decade.

Pretty Matty – S/T (Get Better Records)

The best LP of the year, though it only came out on cassette and I wish it would have had a vinyl 

Another Seizures record that I wish had come out on Head2wall Records.

I don’t know how this got on my list, I must have been hacked. Ctrl-Alt-Delete these assholes.

TV Crime – Metal Town (Alien Snatch! Records)

Big ups to Demolisten Podcast. Without them I don’t know if I would have ever heard this incredible band.

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