Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Today In The Mail: In The Last Week(s)? who knows

I've been doing just about nothing so I have no Idea why I have not updated. Whatever, who cares. The first record I got in the last few weeks was Panic - Dying For It on Bridge Nine Records. I've always liked Panic but it seems in the last few months I've had a spurt of interest in collecting them and tracking down different versions of the records. I lucked into this on ebay for cheap, and when I say cheap I mean I won this for under 3 bucks. Must have been my lucky day. I almost missed the auction too but luckily I woke up to an email about it.

Panic - Dying For It (Green) (Out Of 150) (Bridge Nine Records)

The second package I got in the last week was my Six Feet Under Records New Years Sale grabs. All are records I was meaning to buy (The Mongoloids records lower on that list), and I couldn't pass them up for 3-5 bucks a pop. Most of these are decently rare too so it was a pretty good score for around 20 with shipping.

The Mongoloids - Assorted Music (Black/White/Grey) (Out Of 254) (Six Feet Under Records)
The Mongoloids - Time Trials (Mustard Yellow) (Out Of 708) (Six Feet Under Records)
Justice - Live And Learn (Grey) (Out Of 175) (Six Feet Under Records)
Mother Of Mercy - III (Red/Black) (Out Of 325) (Six Feet Under Records)
Dean Derg - ...Raus (White) (Out Of 310) (Six Feet Under Records)

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