Monday, December 28, 2009

Today In The Mail: Repress Day

Today I awoke to a package from Revhq, in contained to records. Both represses and both containing some of the best hardcore songs ever written. The First I pulled out was the Unbroken - Crushed On You 7" on New Age Records, and in a way this is a double. This happens a lot when you get as many records as I do. Luckily this is not a true double since this is a repress and on another label then my first version, but since I am not trying to collect all the versions of this record I wouldn't have bought more then one. One weird thing about this record is its title, on Revhq and on the labels website it is listed as being called "Crushed On You" (also the name of one of the members of Unbroken's new band, who I love). The original version of the record is called "Circa '77" on ThreeOneG, and both versions of record say this on the front. Either way Unbroken is amazing and this record is amazing (Absentee Debate is one of my fave hardcore songs of all time). The other record I ordered was the main goal of the order, it as of right now is already sold out again on from Revhq and Deathwish Inc has yet to put them up for order so I don't know how rare this record is. It has some packaging differences (Deathwish Inc on the back instead of Malfunction and is not a gatefold like the first two presses had) but is still a great score. I've been debating getting one off ebay but they have been going for around $50 for almost a year (all versions) and Its hard for me to spend that much on a record.

The Hope Conspiracy - Death Knows Your Name (White/Gold Mix) (Deathwish Inc Records)
Unbroken - Crushed On You (Circa '77) (New Age Records)

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